About Us
Our Vision
The Moneymore Township Community Hub (MTCH) will be an inclusive, safe space designed to support the well-being and prosperity of the community for generations to come.
Our Mission
To manage a Flagship Facility, bringing together projects and services where the community can participate and be supported, to fulfil their needs, and advance their ambitions in relation to family life, health, education, training, recreation, civic and social engagement.
Our Story
In 2018, the agencies working in Moneymore – Connect Family Resource Centre, Foroige Cable Project, Moneymore After-school & Moneymore Community House – came together to look at the feasibility of building a large scale Centre, or Community Hub. Since then, those plans have progressed with the help of Louth County Council and Louth Local Development.
We are currently fundraising to build our Community Hub on land between Moneymore & St Laurence’s Park & we are applying for government funding. This will only cover part of our costs. The Hub will allow us to expand and will include facilities for the community like a coffee shop & gym. It will be a space for people to meet, socialise, and to be supported as needed.
Supports & Services We Offer
- Weekly Foodbank
- Weekly Integration Support Clinics
- Weekly Family Supports Clinics
- Parenting Supports Programmes: e.g. Baby Massage, Parenting when Separated, NVR(Non Violent Resistance for Parents experiencing Child to Parent violence)
- Beacon Family Support Programme(referral based)
- Footsteps Programme( 16-24 yr olds currently not engaging in education or employment and in need of additional supports)
- Women’s Coffee mornings
- Soft skills programmes. E.g. Arts & crafts, crochet, cookery, pottery, mindfulness
- Physical Health Programmes; Fitness, pilates, yoga
- Community Led Walking Group
- Men’s Group
- Seasonal activities. E.g. Community Summer Trips, Santa Event, Active Age Dinner
- Problem Gambling counselling and support groups
- Child & Adolescent counselling
- Adult counselling
- Mental Health programmes. E.g. WRAP(Wellness Recovery Action Plan)
- Garda Clinics
- Community Health events
- Parent Toddler activities and trips
- Sustainable Development Goals initiatives. E.g. Sea Swim, Food appeals, Dress swaps
- Go with the Flow initiative: access to free sanitary products
Our Impact
Still early stages but we are spreading awareness.
More copy needed for this section
Our Values
Background Context Info:
Connect since 2017 has went from a staff team of 1 FT and 2 PT staff to a team of 9 paid staff and 2 CE workers.
Our most recent 3 year Strategic Plan(2023-2026) included a review of our catchment area due to remit of new staff and we now support service users from North Drogheda and its wider environs with an ethos of supporting people based on presenting needs rather than location.
-Increased delivery in supports and services
- With demand, this leads to an Increased strain on resources and staff capacity, we are no longer in a position to take on more staff due to space.
- Drogheda is the fastest growing town in Ireland. There is an urgent need to put Community Infrastructure in place for the futureproofing of the area.
- The infrastructure growth that currently happening on the North Side of Drogheda makes the new Community Centre perfectly placed location wise to support that rapid expansion!
- Connect Family Resource Centre has been the lead agency of the Moneymore Townland Community Hub(MTCH) since the consortium first formed in 2018.
- We currently operate out of a building that is totally unfit for purpose and require a purpose built facility to deliver our supports and services in an innovative, multi-functional/multi-use space which meets the needs of the community.
- All 3 anchor tenants have strong collaborative links and housing the 3 organisations under one roof will ensure a No Wrong Door approach and provide a safe space to support community members over their life course.
Our Partners
Our Partners in making Drogheda a better place.
Moneymore Community House